Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Morphology about Productivity

In this article, we learn about The Productivity or unproductivity of a book. In Many Linguistics books or books which are related with word structure usually explain about Productive or unproductive of word formation process. This subject explain at the end of the book because if this subject explain at the begining of a book, the reader will feel confuse because productivity have more than one meaning such as Variation of things.

Productivity in shape : Formal Generality and regularity.
Formal generality in siffix [-ness] refer to an abstract noun. Suffix [-ness] is added only in adjective form, but not for all the adjective, because there are adjectives that come from the other languange.
Example :         Beautiful + -ness = Beautifulness
                                                                             Long + -ness = Longness
Both of them are correct form base on dictionary. But for native speaker that is not appropriate with their language. It because they don’t use this form for their speak but they understand what we mean.

Productivity in meaning : Semantic Regularity
Semantic regularity is applied if product of the contribution from particular word to the meaning of lexeme is produced by its form and consistent. Semantic regularity changes the class and the meaning of the word which is derived. Different from formal regularity which is not.
Example :         local : mean confined to small area
                        Locality : mean neighbourhood
The rule of semantic regularity are :
1. It is not use in past tense form
2. Use verb which have another meaning.

Semantic Blocking
Semantic blocking is a phenomena that the exestance of word with particular meaning is blocked by derivational morphology.
Example : Long + ness = Longness (abstract noun)
Longness is appropriate in dictionary but it is not appropriate in native speaker because that kind of word are not popular in their speak.

Productivity in compounding
Productivity in compounding means that compounding have two meaning that use in particular context.
Example : Globe Trotter, means a person who like go around the world, not the person who study about globe.

Measuring Productivity : The sigificance of neologisms
Neologism is a process become productive. This process can have a product such as a new common lexeme. Suffix [-ness] and [-ity] more productive then the other because :
1. The composer form are different
2. The History of that language
3. The system of English can block the other language
So suffix [-ness] and [-ity] more popular in English bacause they enter English earlier then the other word or suffix. So another suffix is unproductive


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